Monday, July 13, 2015

Reich's Cultural Parables

Malala Yousafzai is seventeen and a Nobel Peace prize awardee. Her overall message that she shares would most likely fall into fighting to become a benevolent community, as it is focusing on women’s equality and rights to education. However, this interview is about her and her story which would be Reich’s triumphant individual. Having been shot in the head and left for dead Yousafzai survived, and now promotes women’s educational rights all over the world. In the interview she says “… it’s her duty” to speak on behalf of the women in her country. The traumatic event and her suffering, then her recovery and sharing her story have led to her individual success as well as the success of her message.

The premise mainly focused on with Malala’s story is emotion. An underage woman being shot in the head creates a public outcry and increases her ability to persuade others to hear her message. Having lived through a horrific experience and coming out stronger and with a voice to be heard Yousafzai stirs an emotional response in her listeners.  

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing story! Especially the environment and let alone culture she lives in, where women don't have much weight carried in anything they say or do. And here is a young woman creating opportunities and making statements to overcome all adversity.
